I have always been someone with major control issues. I like to believe that the effort one puts in guarantees direct results, but that is not always the case… Some situations are so outside of your control that you feel as though you are in the seventh circle of hell — “Dante’s Inferno,” if you will.
The lack of control is hard to handle. It can easily spiral into panic or anxiety. Thankfully, I have developed a set of healthy coping mechanisms, but sometimes you just need a little more than mantras, exercise, and journaling. Which is how I ended up at Awakening Healing Center in New York City for an aura cleansing and chakra realignment appointment. What is aura cleansing, you may ask? It’s a technique that focuses on releasing negative energies to improve your overall health and well being.
Open Your Mind To Aura Cleansing
There was a time in life where I mocked all things “woo woo:” crystals, sage-ing the room, etc. Yet, as I get older, I am willing to try anything. “Don’t knock it till you try it” is my new mantra and if it works for my baby Gwyneth, who truly cares what other people think?

As I walked into space, I immediately felt at ease as the soothing scent of incense flowed through the room. After filling out some paperwork, I went downstairs to the aura cleansing room to meet with healer Mariola Jedynasty, the founder of Awakening Healing Center. She asked me to sit down and place my bare feet on a large opaque crystal slab. She then asked me what was bothering me at the moment and what I was hoping to gain from the aura cleansing session. I explained to her that I struggled with confidence and spent an unhealthy amount of time hung up on one-sided relationships. Her emphatic energy radiated and I found myself opening up more than I originally imagined I would.
How To Cleanse Your Aura Step By Step
I then stripped and laid down on a massage bed underneath a sheet. I took a few deep breaths as sage softly burned around me. She instructed me to close my eyes, and they remained closed for the majority of the session. I heard a sweeping sound above me (I peeked my eyes open… it was a palm leaf) and after a few minutes, I entered a dreamlike state, which may have been the session itself or the 6 a.m. flight I had prior to my appointment. We started to do some breath work together to open up my throat chakra — inhaling and exhaling — and enunciating the sounds oh, ha, om. On top of it being a little tiring (I never concentrate on breathing), I felt a little foolish partaking in this activity. “What good will this even do?” I wondered as I lay there in that dimly lit room. It was until she mentioned that each exhale rids me of the bad energy and what did not serve me in life that I started to take cleansing my aura seriously.
At that point, I began to tear up as I had never felt so seen before.
After our breathwork, I went back to my meditative state and heard various sounds rattle around me. I later figured out the sounds were coming from Tibetan singing bowls, which work to bring harmony and heal the body. She then placed a number of various healing crystals on my body. A quick overview: chakras are the seven spiritual energy centers within your body each representing a different function of the body. You may be familiar with the third eye chakra that is located on the forehead, right between the eyes. When balanced, the seven chakras give our body, mind, and spirit the perfect balance of energy. Many of us partake in energy-blocking activities that can leave us drained or, in more severe cases, cause illness. By using healing crystals to put pressure on each chakra, Jedynasty was able to cleanse any negative energy and rebalance my chakras.
I was unsure how much time had passed when she slowly woke me up and instructed me to open my eyes. Jedynasty held my hands and mentioned that while this session was healing for me, it was also incredibly healing for her. People sometimes come in with real trauma and baggage, which can be hard on a healer. But at 22 years old, I have yet to go through anything that painful, which made it very light and refreshing healing. She told me that I was a light healer like herself and that I was able to bring light into any room. But while her strength lies in healing through aura cleansing, I am able to heal others through my words and writing. At that point, I began to tear up as I had never felt so seen before. Jedynasty also encouraged me to surrender to the world and to not worry about relationships, as the right person will come along when it is the right time.
Is Cleansing Your Aura Worth It?
I walked in a skeptic and left the cleansing an entirely new person. It felt as if someone forced me to throw my hands up in the air and release any semblance of control. It has been a few months since my session and I still feel the positive effects. My self-esteem skyrocketed, I stopped trying so hard, and I no longer feel sorry for myself. Where I used to spend most of my day worrying, I have now taken a backseat, letting the universe run its course. My friends ask me why I have been acting differently (i.e. not pathetic) and I half-jokingly answer, “I got my chakras aligned.” Maybe it was all placebo, or maybe a life change really is as simple as consciously deciding that things will be different for you going forward. Change may not come cheap though. A 100-minute cleansing session with Mariola Jedynasty starts at $300, but if you have the means, it is an incredibly powerful form of healing.
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