We made it, astro babes. In whatever finery our souls are now sporting, we’re still here.
As the cosmic year closes out a potent cycle in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, we’re asked to consider, even for an instant, if we could invite the entire range of feelings to the finale festivities. Both the hot little hopes and the hard-edged heartaches. Whatever’s present, please take it in and use it as precious fuel, letting your 2021 closing ceremony feel omnivorous.
While you’re super-sized snacking, ready yourself for the road ahead with these 2022 touchstones:
Jupiter in Pisces and Aries: As this big old beauty of a planet slips between Pisces and Aries all year, we’re ready to consider how we end and how we begin — finding more sweet self-love by not forcing ourselves to “get over it” with neat and tidy closures, while tapping the power of simply showing up to start again, even if we don’t feel entirely “fit.”
The Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Cycle: This shift of the Moon’s nodes, which we’ll be feeling all year, invites us to remember the bodysuit of our being. We literally can’t carry the extraneous anymore. If it doesn’t move with us like a second skin, it’s good and gone. And like lycra-clad starfish letting new limbs spontaneously emerge, we’ve got the chance to let change feel organically easeful.
Venus and Mars Retrograde: We’ll enter the year with Venus Rx and close it out on Mars’ slowdown. A chance to dive deep into our desired nature, this astro happening asks us to consider how we go about getting what we want, checking in with when it’s time to honeypot magnetize and when it’s a moment for hot-blooded hunting.
Read on for your sign’s 2022 power pack, tapping both your Sun and Rising signs for extra fuel.
What if this is all there is, Cappy? The shape of your beautiful, capable body. The state of your heart. The room you’re sitting in. Rather than a recipe for scarcity spins, 2022 wants to remind you that you’ve already got the goodies firmly in your possession. An opportunity to go “down and in” rather than “up and out” to grab more, use this time to tap your endless fonts of wisdom and already-stored resilience and resources. And rest assured that mining these diamonds only asks for your presence. Relish letting things “surface,” bobbing up when they’re ready to make an appearance while you await their firm fitness, just like a pot of pumpkin-stuffed ravioli.
A wide and still clearing in the wild woods, 2022 is your chance to seek solace and self-protection. Start by considering where you feel unnecessarily exposed — frayed by hanging out in the wind too long. The year to come wants to be your nighttime lotion glove: a chance to restore your soul skin’s natural lubricants by tucking in on yourself and only surrounding your precious personhood with people and projects who support your spirit’s safety. You are perpetually poised to push yourself to the “edge,” and you will never stop evolving. So take 2022 to make sure your house on the cliff is a secure home base, complete with silk sheets.
The cosmic kiddie who lives closest to the unseen world, yours is a soft-lit world of invisible impulses. And 2022 wants you to consider all the bits of your existence that happen “off-camera.” The unspoken, knowing looks between friends and lovers. The spiritual subtext that beats beneath it all. The pauses and gaps in existence where you appear to be “just waiting.” You’re honing your ability to “read” and believe in these in-between and underneath moments. And to find faith therein. ‘Tis a year for building something out of what appears to be nothing. When you take a step into apparent emptiness is when the forces will arrive full force.
It is on, Aries. 2022 is your chance to show up, shut up, and shine on, stamping down the old stories of smallness and answering life’s bigger calls. To go where you’re most needed and put your hands on whatever’s here, strengthening your resolve by reminding yourself of your power to arrive on the scene. Start by taking an inventory of your most precious resources. The shiny bits of you that your friends and lovers look upon with loving eyes. Activating these properties starts by simply being in your body at life’s infinite starting lines with your flag still waving: the whole world’s watching, fire starter. Don’t let us down.
Consider the image of an empty restaurant just before the party— the starched tablecloths. The champagne glasses are perfectly polished and ready to receive their sparkling elixirs. This doesn’t mean 2022 will be a year of just waiting for it all to happen. Instead, it’s about cultivating a sense of readiness inside of rest and trusting that the moments when you start to long for and want have their wisdom. They are preparing your spirit for “more” of all kinds — upping your capacity to go after what you need and merit without anxiety or apology. Let the pre-party find you gazing calmly at the menu, ready to make your selections without equivocation.
Your vision is kaleidoscopic Gemini, and your penchant for prismatic possibility is unparalleled. 2022 wants you to start to hone that vision differently, using it to instantly your nos and your yeses. And this is not a mental exercise at all. Instead, it’s about spiritual instinct, and you’re asked to get crystal clear comfy about what intuitive knowing feels like for you. Maybe it feels like dropping into a groove when you know the right choice. Or a levity and limitlessness as you move toward the best option. Whatever it is, recognize the sensation in your body and respond because your aerodynamic year ahead won’t allow anything “extra” to come along for the evolutionary ride.
2022 is already setting up a little sanctuary for you, Cancer. Plush carpets. Bubbles in bathes. Clean sheets. Enter it with ceremony, ready for a reset and restoration of your heart to its rightful state as a wild, capable holder of all kinds of experiences. The year ahead wants to sweep through and clear out any past pain — not forcing ancient hurts to stop hurting, but letting them deposit whatever wisdom they’ve got while simultaneously opening you gently and uncovering whatever love is alive and well in the present. Like a magical medium, you’re ready to hold past, present, and future all at once. And you’re right on time.
Who are your gods and goddesses, Leo? The icons you place on your altar as aspirational allies? 2022 wants you to consider how you harness heroism, investigating what you’re looking up to and why. And while you don’t need to tear down your teachers or scrap your grand plans, it is an opportunity to consider that these deities could be found in the daily, and even inside of you already. Catch yourself in a moment when you’re at your truest and brightest with a friend or lover or stranger and remember it well. A year for fiercely integral operations, let your own “best self” become the magical mentor who informs your next move.
Consider the history of civilization, Virgo. Even in the days of bare-bones necessity cave-dwelling, humans were still compelled to make art. 2022 wants you to attend equally to both beauty and functionalism. The functional must also be beautiful this year, and the beautiful must be remembered for its function. Take a look at the projects, partnerships, and storylines that are devoid of any poetry. If you can’t restore their artistry, get them gone from the gallery. And on the flip side, don’t fear falling in love with the seemingly “frivolous.” The path towards higher meaning is also paved with cotton candy fluff.
An invitation to feast at the most tangible of temples, your 2022 is deliciously steeped in the pure matter. Consider your gravity. Soles of the feet flat. Stuck to this wildly turning earth. This coming year, every action asks to be initiated from this solid chocolate place. No rushing to lift onto tiptoes, grasping at some elusive ring. No scrambling to give others what you think they want or need on their time clock— just the languid unfolding of you in real-time, rocking to the rhythm of rocks themselves. You’re not here on earth forever. But you’re still here a mighty long time. Savor every sip of how you spend it.
While part of your wondrous wiring drives you to excavate, 2022 wants you to consider where you can find more ease in this process. You will forever relish the nitty-gritty nibble of soul-shaking transformation, but take this year to consider where you might strip away the unnecessary extra layers of challenge. What if this coming year’s changes hardly made a sound — a silky snakeskin slipping off rather than a burn-it-to-the-ground. You’ve got nothing left to prove, dear phoenix, and the subtlety of the shifts mean you’re becoming more masterful at change. So slip out the back door on old patterning and watch the evolutionary layers just get lifted by the breeze.
You may not always be known as the softest pet of the zodiac signs, but 2022 is here to butter you up and break you in — massaging the muscles that have become overly taut. Notice the moments of “undoing.” The longings that can’t instantly unfurl into action. Let them unlace your grip on where you’re going and how you think you’re going to get there. This year wants you to forgo the checklist itinerary of already-identified locations and live in the slippery mystery instead, like a slow-mo bather emerging from a pool. And when you relax the urge to spearhead your next hungry search party, the uncharted adventure you’re perpetually seeking can truly begin.