Summon your strongest scratch n’ sniffs, astro babes. May’s magic is all olfactory opulence — a touchable, tastable, unbreakable chance to get super centered in your solid gold self-worth, as you amplify your ability to receive the good stuff.
Sound completely covetable? The journey begins with a trip to the beauty boudoir, as we let the month’s Taurus energy fill us with farm-fed finery. And this starts with something as simple as a subtle outbreath. The making of silky space. A lotioned hand outstretched towards healthy hedonism. The choice to lube up your life even just a little bit, selecting slippers instead of stilettos for any uphill climbs.
The call to regard ourselves in beauty can feel confronting for so many of us. Either a triggering reminder of creepy-crawly unworthy feels, or something that’s brushed off as a frivolous afterthought. But May’s cosmic courtship wants us to remember that what we dismiss as the “extras” are absolutely essential. Of what use is this technicolor life if we cannot lick the spoon and savor the swallow?
Sink in. Settle down. Stay awhile. You are a precious package that is part and parcel of the whole of the planet. And natural beauty can be truly beheld when you let the lush layering of natural life itself become your looking glass.
Read on for your sign’s supple self-care support for May and bolster the belief in your own bespoke beauty.
With April’s unapologetic beingness under your belt, your full-on birthday season reigns supreme in May. And what’s wrapped up in all those pretty packages is the plentitude of pure air and wide-open space. No matter your literal landscape at this moment, how can you catch a panoramic view of your surroundings? Whether it’s a literal vista point or a moment’s pause in the midst of a heated convo, the Universe wants to remind you of the great plains of gorgeousness that exist within your grasp.
Stellar Self-Care: Breathwork. Designed to facilitate megawatt releases of emotions, tap this modality to create vast internal reservoirs of breezy, breathable beauty.
April was a moment for capable circus artistry, as you practiced slipping through the binds that seemed to hold you. May’s energies are slower and more savory, and the month is an invite to get curious about why you might feel the need to pitch forward at breakneck speed. Is it exhilaration and exuberance, or the fear that you’re going to miss your ride? Take this time to take the time, trusting that deliciousness arises from approaching life like a long, luxe dinner among friends, complete with bottomless libations.
Stellar Self-Care: Superfood Feast. Make up your own list of “super” snackable supports based solely on their taste, look, smell, and feel, without reading a single label.
April was made for finding some ecstasy in a little exposure, as you dropped the pretense and let your full personhood plump up. Now May’s energies ask you to build on this big old beingness and let things slip in and out of your life with more mystery. What if, for example, instead of spinning your wheels about an unanswered text, you could speculate about all the wondrous ways the Universe might be working behind the scenes to fill this gap? Turning anxiety to anticipation makes the “dot, dot, dot” of life divine.
Stellar Self-Care: Oracle Decks. Booking a reading with a tarotist or shuffling the cards yourself is a reminder not of fatedness, but of the fun-loving futurity that awaits.
April was made for nuzzling up to your natural-born gifts, as you basked in the glow of your pawprint prowess. And May’s magic is divined from decking out this decadence in an even bigger vision. Where have you been slipping between the couch cracks? Losing your regal sense of romance to a “reality” that’s leaving you raw? This is your month to get gargantuan once again, jungle cat. Don’t let ‘em tell you it can’t be done. And of course, do it with bells on.
Stellar Self-Care: Full-Service Spa. A straight-up spa extravaganza with all the fixings restores your much-needed sense of “moreness,” from your crown all the way to your pedicured toes.
April was your clean and clear commitment to self-governed action, as you practiced saying yes and no with vigor and verve. May’s beauty bounty arrives with even more of this simple sovereignty, and you can connect to your sensual serenity by hand-selecting each and every element of your life. While it may sound silly at first, sugar or cream in your morning coffee or a navy or aqua blazer are the kinds of personal proclivities that pave the pathway to power.
Stellar Self-Care: Aura Photography. Figure out which shades your soul is sporting and become a personal stylist for your inner passions.
April was a chance to apprentice yourself to life — learning to follow the horizontal lines rather than always having to be on top. Now, May wants you to find the sheer beauty in pure imagination. And to let those visions run absolutely buck wild. Undo the laces and locks and let your proverbial ponies out to play, finding freedom in “improper” impulsivity. Behind that careful coiffure, you’ve got a magical mane. Become a temptress of tangles and let it loose.
Stellar Self-Care: Ecstatic Dance. Whether it’s a formal class, or just a solo shake out in your studio apartment, let the sweat of rhythmic response wash you dirty sweet clean.
April was a panned-out opportunity to become a compassionate surgeon — moving the bits of your life around without any extra beastliness. May asks you to continue your journey as a catalyst, as you explore how it might be possible to “stir it up” in the name of evolutionary growth. Look around you and see who and what is really ready to come along for the ride. And then, claim your beautiful, natural intensity, and go on and instigate in the name of love.
Stellar Self-Care: Acupressure. Let powerful pulse points lead you back to an equilibrium that doesn’t have to sacrifice one bit of your frictional ferocity.
The past few months have led you deeper into your inner sanctums and sensory needs. And now, May wants you to trust the moves you’re making completely, skating through the second-guessing and completing the gesture to connect with your gorgeousness. Notice where leaving your options “open” actually stems from the sense that you might not deserve what you really want. Beauty is uncovered through bravado babe. Let it burn, burn, burn.
Stellar Self-Care: Retail Therapy. No matter your resources, gift yourself something small and simple you’ve longed for and let it fund more faith in your inner flame.
April was made for marking your turf — letting shut doors create sovereignty rather than shutdowns. And May’s energies make good on another one of your prime possessions: a sense of time. Can you wait without waiting, like a plant waits to push its petals up? What is it actually “time” for right now? Check your pulse and check the weather with your fingertips, remembering that your beauty is born from responding to the rhythm that’s available right now.
Stellar Self-Care: Crystal Healing. Even if it’s just a pocket rock that you find at the park, power up with galactic gorgeousness that’s harvested straight from the timelessness of the earth itself.
April was made for easy-breezy aspirational moves, and you practiced summoning your trust in making life choices with lower stakes. And oh baby, does May want you soft and supple — a rose-scented invite to douse any sharp-edged strategy in the lush lubrication of love. Start by considering how your immediate environment could better feed your beautiful body’s five senses. No matter how “superficial” you might feel them be, these subtleties are your stalwart sources of strength.
Stellar Self-Care: Aromatherapy. Take your corporeal cues from the behind-the-scenes scents of flowers and herbs, letting life bloom open with fully perfumed petals.
April was an opportunity to become your own source of support, as you popped your tent in paradise before waiting for someone to whisk you away on your honeymoon. After all that self-driven sustenance, May’s beauty formula can be found by coming up against the lines. Where do you feel that you’re falling short or are far from enough? Rather than torching these touchpoints overnight, practice limboing towards your seeming limitations and loosening them through love.
Stellar Self-Care: Reiki. The healing that hovers just above the body helps you both embrace the energy as it is and start to move it slowly and sensitively.
April was your delete button, as you reveled in the release of pieces that no longer served the pie. Now, May asks for a different flavor of attention, uncovering beauty in the bits that seem to be “hanging on.” Be aware of your urge to place yourself within linear time — chastising what hasn’t yet changed and relegating this residue to the “ugly” bin. You are not, and have never been, broken. You are a part of nature itself, and your nature is wholly holy, even with its “holes.”
Stellar Self-Care: Sweat Lodge. Delight in a steam sesh that brings the matter up and out without you having to hide a single drop of the juice that is you.