The pressure to live the ideal, super-busy, Instagram-worthy and luxurious lifestyle causes more self-esteem plummets and anxiety than ever. So, who better to ask for quick tips on getting centered than those who live (and thrive) among the chaos at work? Editors are constantly asked about skincare routines, makeup regimens and before-bed beauty preparations, but what about those fist-clenching moments that exist in between filtered smiles and 9-to-9 shifts? Five industry professionals with fashion, beauty and wellness résumés share their anxiety-reducing routines for achieving serenity, right then, right now.
Drew Carlos, Editor at The Sunday Edit

For Drew Carlos, skincare is her top priority when she rolls out of bed. “I have been dealing with anxiety for many years, and one thing that helps me is starting the day off on a fresh foot — including my skin.” As for many, the stem of her anxiety comes from the social pressures around her, so whenever she gets a chance to detox from social media and indulge in herself, she takes advantage of it. “Right now, I am obsessed with face oils and face massages. I recently had a facial from celebrity aesthetician Adeela Crown, where she practiced her skin dancing technique on my face,” she says. “So, I have started using a jade roller to depuff and drain my face in the morning. It feels amazing and wakes my skin up while I am waking up.”
Interested in trying a face massage? If you are in New York City or London, you can book an appointment at the uber-trendy FaceGym. But if that is not an option, grab your favorite face oil — Carlos is currently loving the glow-inducing benefits of turmeric oil — and jade roll your face. A face massage can release endorphins and improve circulation.
Gabrielle Korn, Editor-In-Chief at Nylon Magazine
Staying up to date with the ever-changing patterns of digital media and those who consume it is a stressful task, especially as the world shifts to an online-only focus. Gabrielle Korn understands exactly what that entails in her day-to-day work schedule. When she needs peace, Barre3 classes are her go-to. “I love going to Barre3 classes because it’s so hard, that I can’t think about anything else for an hour. It ends up being really meditative.”
Barre3 is a full-body workout designed to leave you feeling balanced and empowered through cardio bursts, micro-movements and sustained holds. Every class works strategically to build flexibility and strength while improving posture and body balance.
Maria Bobila, Senior Editor at Fashionista
According to Maria Bobila, establishing a morning to-do list and chewing on her favorite nerve-reducing gummies is essential for productivity and concentration. “Since my morning is dedicated to the breaking news cycle, a sense of urgency is standard at the beginning of every workday. Oftentimes, I find myself drained by lunchtime. I’ve been regularly taking Rosebud CBD Oil in the mornings, which I’ve noticed has kept me at ease and also much more focused as I tackle my to-do list. I also tend to get nervous when I travel alone, which is usually the case when I’m on a work trip, so I rely on Lord Jones CBD Gummies to keep me calm.”
In case you did not know, cannabidiol (CBD) is a legal, non-psychoactive compound acquired from cannabis and hemp. It is known for its anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, pain-condensing and relaxing properties. CBD was once a taboo topic, but these days, it is used in various beauty, wellness and food products — although legislation surrounding CBD in food products with the Food and Drug Administration is still tricky.
Lauren Alexis Fisher, Digital Editor at Harper’s Bazaar
In between creating, planning, developing, editing and writing for Harper’s Bazaar (as well as indulging in iced coffee no matter the temperature outside) Lauren Alexis Fisher somehow manages to continuously finetune her routine. For her, it is still a work in progress. “What helps the most is starting and ending every day with meditation, followed by a mini skincare routine. I’ve been using the Headspace and Insight Timer apps for guided meditations. “I find the anxiety, relief, focus and intention setting meditations to be best for keeping stress-free, relaxed and creative. At night, I find doing these meditations with candles lit is the perfect way to unwind. I’ve also been testing different forms of CBD for anxiety relief. In my quest to find new products, I’ve found Poplar, a really useful site for navigating and explaining different forms of CBD — whether in drop form, or topical mists. And when all else fails, I turn off my phone and practice deep breathing.”
If you are new to meditation, start by finding the time of day that works best for you — mornings can help to start the day on a fresh note, while evenings can allow you to let go of the day’s stressors. Regardless, there is no “right” way to meditate — do what your body needs. And pick up one of the new apps like Fisher to get you started.
Suzannah Weiss, Editor at Complex

Yoga is an ever-growing practice. While the basis remains the same, the trends are continuously emerging. For some, it is a fun exercise to attempt with friends after a long weekend. For others, it is fundamental for relaxation and focus. Suzannah Weiss is a fan of Kundalini Yoga, a practice that incorporates dynamic breathing techniques, chanted mantras, particular movements and meditation. “It makes me feel clear-minded, chill and full of childlike exuberance. The effects usually last for the rest of the day. I like to get work done afterward because I can think through things more clearly.”
Kundalini Yoga is a unique blend of Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Shakti Yoga, making it one of the only yoga practices that does not lose its efficiency when blended. Many of the postures are devised to stimulate the spine, navel and pressure points.