Polish your magic mirrors and get ready to come cheek-to-cheek, astral explorers. October’s energies invite us into a potent pas-de-deux, as we stand poised to take pieces of our one-and-only selves back so we can reach out strong and steady to the ones who want to shimmy beside us.
This month’s high-minded Libra luminosity, coupled with Mercury retrograde in excavating Scorpio, and Venus in self-possessed Virgo, invites us to trace an intricately individualized inroad into our inner relationship code. Do you long for romance with a ravenous hunger you fear will never be filled? Are you weathering a season of cataclysmic loss? Are you thriving wholly alone and self-contained? Yes, sweet sirens, you can start there and there and there.
No matter your heart-kissed cocktail, this season wants you to serve it up shaken or stirred, complete with a tucked-in shady umbrella or the full fertile force of edible solar-powered flowers. Whatever your flavor, you have every right to be where you are, as you are, with or without whomever you’re with or without.
Come face-to-face with the fierceness of what’s right here, right now, in all its finery, and fall head over heels for the oh so real.
Read on for your sign’s partner power tip for October and dance up on somebody who loves you …

September was your sweet slip off the diving board, Libra, as you sampled the gorgeousness in groundlessness and cultivated bold belief in total boundlessness. Now, October’s energies find you ready to face up to the “not here”—a powerful invitation to consider what’s no longer. Before you rush ahead to the next form, consider your right to mourn these metaphorical deaths in whatever way feels most natural. Tend yourself, take the shape, and allow the shift.
Partner Power Tip: Uncover Your Core. As relationships ebb and flow, hold on to the solid gold aspects of self that have been with you for this whole wildly wondrous ride.

September asked you to check any impulses towards exile, and dive into the center of the dance floor instead. This sense of full-bodied participation will serve you well in October, as you dismantle the notion that you must recreate your whole self every damn day in order to earn your keep. What if you believed so deeply in your innate right to exist that no external situation could sway you? Make like a rock, Scorpio, and tap into your own timelessness.
Partner Power Tip: Consider Your Legacy. Consider your partnerships through time and space, taking a hard, loving look at who you’d want by your side until the very end.

September’s energies were wavy wild for you, Sag, as you let it all get flexy and found yourself in the flow. And now October marks a powerful moment to consider how to come back into homeostasis, honoring the parts of your world that are ready to be righted. What’s calling out to be reordered within you? What smells and touches and tastes do you need in order to make your cells sing? Reach for what keeps you upright without analysis and with open palms.
Partner Power Tip: Follow the Line of Least Resistance. October asks you to balance your urge for adventurous friction with an enjoyment of the more easeful evolutions within your communions.

September was your mature fruit field of infinite tastes, Capricorn, as you settled into the hard-won grooves of your own courageous capabilities. This energy gets even more dark chocolate rich in October, as you’re invited to slow it down and get super stately. While you don’t have to unnaturally halt what wants to unfurl, you can break ranks with input/output cycles and anxious deprivation-style rushing. Commit to the credo that you don’t have to “do this” to “get that.”
Partner Power Tip: Reveal What You Really Want. Even if it starts with a whisper, October is your month to say what the heart wants out loud, and without equivocation.

September was a month for beautiful bones, Aquarius, as you started building the world anew from an internal blueprint of uncompromising alignment. And now October’s energies find you heading out to actually live in this landscape, trying it on for size. Remember that although you’ve birthed this new beginning, it still has the right to breathe and buoyancy—living energy all its own. Notice what you’ve said “never” to and let those never ever remain nimble as you rise to meet what meets you.
Partner Power Tip: Change Your Position. October wants you to get shapeshifting, considering where a hard line might be swapped for a softer touch.

September was a month for making love to your sense of inherent belonging Pisces—walking this earth like you were born for it. This month, notice any buzzy brain noise about how whatever strength you uncovered isn’t true or won’t last. October asks you to let those doubts and survival fears rock and roll. But don’t believe them, babe. Life hasn’t forgotten you. And you never ever need to beg for it in order to be given.
Partner Power Tip: Interrupt the Scramble Cycle. Notice when you believe that another person has the power to give or take away what you most need, and place the dinner plate firmly back in your own two hands.

September began power washing some area of your life completely clean, Aries, as you faced up to the forces beyond you without having to exert your force. And in October, the evolutionary invites just don’t quit. Consider how to let yourself get moved with the least resistance right now. Where are you still clenched around the belief that something should be different? Your life is changing, Aries. Standing to face it is the most ferocious act of all.
Partner Power Tip: Drop It. Whether it’s your need to reach out, to strategize, or to otherwise flex your presence in partnership, October wants you to call it quits on anything that engages your muscles.

September was a month made for softening your dear heart even further, Taurus, as you practiced facing up to the prickliest with a plusher soul. Build on this feather bed in October, taking time to notice the subtle mechanism of opening and closing that happens in your emotional landscape. Focusing on what you’re available for rather than what must be defended against at this moment will connect you to your interstellar sieve, as you sort your yeses and nos without agitation.
Partner Power Tip: Start at the Beginning. Commit to interrupting the sticky storylines about the ways things are or have always been in your partnerships, allowing breezy space to try on new roles.

September asked you to curl up cozy-close to your inner hearth, Gemstone, as you let the wild world rise and fall of its own accord. And now October finds you revving your juicy fruits once again, ripe and ready to rejoin the fray of life. This month wants you to transform your concept of constraint and limitation—shifting your perception of roadblocks into different shades of emerald green light. ‘Tis the season to see perceived challenges as raucous celebrations of your very life force itself.
Partner Power Tip: Have Fun with Friction. While you don’t have to go looking for a brawl, take October to embrace the energy of invigoration in your duets.

Embracing exhilarating emptiness was on your agenda in September, Cancer, as you practiced radical trust falls and ungripped from ghosties. And October wants all of that courage and more, as you’re asked to claim your emotional mastery. Start by considering which “feeling” you have your Ph.D. in. Is it anger? Sadness? Unbridled joy? And then move into those emo landscapes that are less familiar, ready and waiting to become a student of sensation.
Partner Power Tip: Widen Your Range. Whatever your current status, October asks you to consider the myriad partnership forms that exist and the wild variety of human emotions within them.

September was a spectacular oracular moment for you, Leo, as you practiced listing into your own sage advice. Building on these unshakable inner reserves, October invites you to pay attention to your perceptions around projects and people, noticing when you start to spin into “worst-case” scenarios. The phrase “feelings aren’t facts” is your best friend this month. Treat your brain like a funhouse and ride the shape shifts without having to believe them.
Partner Power Tip: Ask for the Truth. A month for clear asks and answers, October wants you to catalyze partnership catharsis by simply checking in.

Your birthday month was made for moving and grooving, as you felt into your proprietary pacing no matter the external demands. And October asks for even more of that self-governed magic, as you’re invited to slip on your noise-canceling headphones and stop listening to the noise. Notice the noxious fumes of “not quite good enough” notions and stop them dead in their tracks. There are nonsense tales you simply cannot abide anymore, Virgo. Wield your surgical slicers and cut them out.
Partner Power Tip: Demand Your Worth. Forget fear and step directly into the eye of the self-worth storm, requiring all flavors of relationship to match your own energetic input.