Draw the bubble bath and leave the backdoor unlocked, astro babes. After February’s clear-sighted call to face ourselves in the mirror, March is a lubed-up invitation to start slipping and sliding towards our hopes and dreams. It is a cosmic moment for making shapes out of soap suds, swapping scratchy suited 5-year plans for the silken sensation of plotting our takeover from the lounge chair.
The astral pack is led by Pisces, the zodiac’s final station. Dissolution, allowance and having no boundaries are the bastions of this mystical being, and the “undoing” is as vital as the doing right now. How much space do you leave for seeming nothingness? What feelings does stillness spark? This month wants us to dive straight into any discomfort that arises when we release from the straight lines. This can start as simply as pausing for a breath before speaking or sitting in the majestic dark before bed without reaching for a device.
And with pleasure-planet Venus tracking through the al fresco pastures of Taurus, and a fertile Full Moon in earthy Virgo, we can get loose and limber without losing solid ground completely. March is the moment to adopt the radical credo that doing less is always more. You do not make the wind blow. You are not the only one who can lift your life up and hold it steady while you spin across the ice. Take this month as an invitation to trust fall into the arms of everything you cannot see.
Like a magical land that merely emerges through the clouds or a burlesque dancer’s slow reveal, how can you let what is meant for you show itself on its own time? Let it come undone and let it come for you, astro babes, as inevitable as the approaching springtime sun …
Head offroad and savor the release with your sign’s dream getaway for March …

February was a magic month for diving into your deep end, Pisces, as you practiced disappearing without even having to leave a trace. And while your full-on birthday month of March signals a bit of an emergence for you, trust that you can still let the salt waters cling to your skin, navigating life on land with just as much dreaminess. You are capable of holding much more than you think right now, sweet one. What feelings feel too big for your heart? Where have you been cutting your wildest dreams down to size? Swap the fishbowl for the full ocean and open the floodgates instead.
Dream Getaway: The Grand Canyon. March’s cosmic energies are here to remind you of the powerful immensity of your internal landscape. Seek contentment in caverns that cut through the Earth, trusting that gorges are just as gorgeous as mountains’ majesty.

February was a clarion call to return to your magic without having to muscle your mojo, Aries, as you felt into the fire that burns in the hearth of just “being.” March asks you to take this even further, getting super curious about all of the contours of your being itself. It is a watery month for exploring your inner world and finding your footing by summoning your faith. Your life is stranger than you have been imagining lately, and this is actually your secret superpower. Turn the forces beyond your control into your brand-new besties, partying with the unknowns until the break of dawn.
Dream Getaway: Madagascar. Just like a cast of island creatures that are unparalleled in the rest of the world, March’s riches come in unexpected packages. Turn the wondrous weirdness into a hot-blooded celebration, embracing unexpected terrain in the Indian Ocean.

February was a profoundly philosophical moment for reconnecting with your big “why,” Taurus, as you started to interrogate the underpinnings of what ran on autopilot. Now, with Venus returning to your sign this month, you can steady your studiousness and just sink in instead. As you do, pay particular attention to the concept of spaciousness. What wants more width right now? Where could you step out and away from a too-close issue with elegant ease? Lay your emotional linens out to dry and let the kiss of the sun shift your perspective.
Dream Getaway: The Alps. March’s energy is gently invigorating, a call to widen your vistas and let the fresh breeze carry you higher. But rather than an effortful climb to the peak, fashion your voyage after old school spa treatments and simply let the mountain air cleanse your system.

February was a toasty month in your creative consciousness, Gemstone, as you explored how to have a little fun with friction. March continues the shape-shifting party, and this time you are asked to transform fear through sheer curiosity. What has been lurking in the corner and under the bed? Where have you been gripping against seeing something that is ready to be revealed? Trust that the power to view it head-on will dissolve the monsters, and that coming clean can catapult you to a failsafe trust in your courageous competence.
Dream Getaway: Ghost Tours. Let the so-called scary see the light of day with a voyage to a storied locale that is the stuff of tall tales. Whether it is a trip through the Louisiana swamps, or a wander through a Bavarian castle, you can reclaim your kingdom by embracing the hidden.

February asked you to summon your fire, Little Mermaid, as you learned to let your big feelings shape your life in brand new ways. Now, with March’s energies entering your zone of top-down riding, you are asked to find an even deeper faith in that heat as you let the ground shift beneath your feet. While you are sometimes attached to scrapbooks and memory museums, clutching to precious recollections and states of being, March wants you to commit to the credo of complete groundlessness. Let the knowledge that none of this lasts liberate your most wild expansion yet.
Dream Getaway: Road Trip. Whether it is a complete around-the-world voyage, or simply a spontaneous weekend sojourn, March wants you to find delight in an unplanned leap into the great beyond. Pack the snacks but lose the map, Cancer, giving yourself over to wind itself.

February was a personal cheer squad moment for you Leo, as you learned to interrupt cycles of self-harm and transform them into sparkling self-support. Now, as March’s energies light up your zone of soul-deep transformation, you are invited to rest back on your cat paws and bear witness to just how far you have come. What has been swirling and shifting lately that you have not fully honored yet? Rather than solely focusing on what is “complete,” this is a month for celebrating your sheer aliveness instead, letting your intentions and your process feel just as regal as perceived results.
Dream Getaway: The South of France. March’s medicine is all about finding your faith in seasonality, little love cat, as you learn to let yourself tuck into whatever is growing. Feast at your own farm-to-table with a trip to a region that reaps its harvest gifts with quiet deliciousness.

February was a month for re-aligning with your own rhythms, Virgo, as you practiced putting your buzzy brain to bed and making moves from the gut. Now, with energies igniting your arena of external expectations, it is a month for erecting some healthy castle walls and saying a solid no to any self-sacrifice that has been sucking your very self. But rather than a harsh policing of your permeability, let it feel like a modern kitchen instead, complete with clear cabinetry that shuts seamlessly. Arrange your fresh veggies on stainless steel counters and decide what is ready to get sliced and diced.
Dream Getaway: Tokyo. Immersing yourself in a megacity that is equal parts stimulation and anonymity helps you create an invisible bubble, crafting parameters that keep you safe inside rather than forcing the world out. Find retreat in a pocket-sized hotel room and decide when it is time for “do not disturb.”

February was a soft and supple month that invited you into petaled openings, Libra, as you learned to lean into innocence and regain some trust. Now, with March’s energies shifting into your arena of adjustment and equilibration, it is time to check in with your notorious balancing scales. But before you go wild refining and perfecting the equation of your life, take a moment to just consider what has been undernourished lately. Like a plant family, the emotional parts of your existence desire differing amounts of light and water. What leaves are looking ready for a perk-up? Place your full attention on what is calling out for your loving touch.
Dream Getaway: Iceland. Embrace this month’s medicine of inherently earthy equilibrium with a trip to a self-regulating island that heats itself from the inside out, finding fortitude in naturally filling springs and subtly shifting land.

February marked a month for healing and humanity, Scorpio, as you learned to wash your life in the waters of forgiveness. While the evolutionary calls do not quit in March, the energy shifts toward the more explicitly “feel good,” asking you to explore what is actually bringing you pleasure, and what feels more like unconscious cravings. This is courageously tasty work, dear one. Do not be afraid to call it quits on an old habit that is starting to feel a bit hollow. Consider exactly what treats you are reaching out for, and where pressing pause on hand-to-mouth could bring you something far more decadent.
Dream Getaway: All-Inclusive Cruise. March asks you to check in about where you are heading for second helpings. As the cruise ship buffet table serves up every whim, and every kind of entertainment is on offer, let the wide array of choices spark your own delicious discernment.

February was an invitation to interrogate your concept of success, Wild Pony, as you practice swapping an either/or mentality for a blended family of feelings about your earnings. This month, the cosmic energies enter your inner sanctuary, and you are asked to take this external work down into your creative cauldron, shutting out the noise and generating from the inside out. Where have you been modeling your own process after the hoofprints of others? While it is perfectly acceptable to admire and aspire, March is the month for remembering that you are the fairest of them all.
Dream Getaway: The Amazon. March marks a check-in with your own specificity, as you build trust in your own shape and shade. Plunge into the multi-colored thickets of this biodiverse hothouse, remembering that every creature great and small contains irreplaceably distinctive gifts.

February was a full-feasted month for you, Capricorn, as you focused on sitting in serene simplicity. And while March does not need to get “complicated” by any stretch, there is more movement afoot, like tiny buds burgeoning their way towards early spring. As it starts to percolate, you are asked to get curious about your relationship to change. Are you exhilarated? Terrified? A million feelings in between? There are as many colors of change as there are chameleons to transform, Cappy. Trust that you can decide the perfectly personal pulsations as you execute a divine departure from your current hermit crab shell.
Dream Getaway: Western Ireland. As the March winds pick up, find comfort in a country that is both openly exposed to the emboldened breezes, and tucked-in to its sheepskin blankets. You can both walk the open moors and pop in for a pint, Capricorn.

February was an invitation into daily divinity for you, Aquarius, as you practiced staying present for tiny hits of inspo as they graced your plate. March’s cosmic dance shifts the gears into more full-bodied flavors, as you are asked to explore your root systems. While this may sound abstract, the medicine starts with a bone-level basic check-in about what you actually need right now. What have you been denying yourself on a bodily level, believing you can attend to it later? Treat March like a triage month for treating yourself better, focusing on what is calling for immediate care, and only making space for what is both sustainable and savory.
Dream Getaway: Egypt. March’s magic rests in ageless archeological questions of what is truly built to last, Aquarius. Find support in solid pyramid bases, intact sarcophagi and the exploration of your own eternality.
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